In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the powerful Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, comes to Disney+ on February 7 with "The Marvels. After overthrowing the tyrannical Kree and recapturing her identity, Carol faces the challenge of an unstable universe.
In this epic tale, we see how Carol Danvers is sent through an unexplained wormhole, causing her powers to mix unpredictably with those of Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan, and Captain Monica Rambeau, her niece. Together they must learn to combine their unique gifts and act as a powerful trio to balance the fate of the universe.
As this unlikely alliance is forged, the story reveals an intriguing picture of togetherness and heroism. The film promises not only visually spectacular superhero action, but also profound character development amid intergalactic threats.
Although the film did not achieve the expected success on the big screen, Disney+ is now offering the chance to discover the potential of this superhero saga. On February 7, Disney+ subscribers can immerse themselves in the epic adventure and witness the forces that will impact the universe.
'The Marvels,' from February 7, 2024 on Disney+.